Why You May Need To Pay More To Get Better Cloud Solutions - Cloud Computing Services, Cloud Hosting Solutions

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Why You May Need To Pay More To Get Better Cloud Solutions

Why You May Need To Pay More To Get Better Cloud Solutions

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The most popular form of cloud computing has to be the public cloud. This form of cloud computing has millions of users worldwide and delivers a great service at little or no cost to the end user. As a matter of fact, most people have their first interaction with cloud computing on a public cloud. However, these free services may not always be the best solution for someone who needs dedicated cloud computing solutions, especially for use in business. When seeking enterprise solutions, the added cloud computing cost of managed clouds guarantees a better service. 

Cloud Computing Cost & Pricing:-

Monthly Subscription        $0
CPU Hours$0.044/hr
RAM Hours$0.0275/hr
Storage Hours (Standard)$0.0003/hr
Hardware-based Networking
(VLAN, firewall, VPN, load balancing, NAT and multicast)
Included($0.20/hr for additional VLANs)
Additional Public IP Addresses$0.004/hr
Inbound Bandwidth (per GB)$0.000
Outgoing Bandwidth (per GB) 0-10 TB$0.200
Outgoing Bandwidth 10-50 TB$0.180
Outgoing Bandwidth 50+ TB$0.160
Sub-Administrators$0.007/hr per admin
Cloud Files (GB/day) 0-50 TBN/A
Cloud Files 50-100 TBN/A
Cloud Files 100+ TBN/A
Cloud Files PUT, LIST, POST, COPY, GET requestsN/A
Customizable CPU, RAM and StorageIncluded
99.99% Availability GuaranteeIncluded
24x7 Phone Customer SupportIncluded

Here are the reasons why the extra cost is justified.

  • First, managed cloud services provide you with a use only cloud solution. That means the only participation required from you is the payment and then use. They do not involve you in the technical aspects of the design and deployment of the cloud solution you seek. This enables you to access cloud computing resources and use them quite effectively regardless of your expertise levels in cloud solutions. The benefit of this is that it eliminates the need for you to incur extra expense in the form of support services or creation of an IT department within your company structure. This enables the business to focus on areas where its expertise is more useful and better suited.
  • Second, managed cloud services provide you with constant access to support services and necessary expertise. When you choose the managed cloud solutions, you provide yourself with access to the expertise the company has at its disposal. Since the company is tasked with the duty of monitoring and maintaining service delivery levels, these experts are placed at your disposal at all times. The result is the company using this form of cloud solutions gains access to useful knowledge and skill set. Furthermore, it is obtained at a much lower cost than hiring their own.
  • Thirdly, managed clouds have a much shorter implementation and roll out time than traditional systems. Since the service provider handles all aspects of the installation and roll out, they are able to complete this process sooner than a company ordinarily would.
When considering using cloud solutions as an enterprise IT infrastructure, businesses must keep in mind that service delivery is extremely valuable. The extra costs incurred could be the difference between a great service which enhances business performance and a poor service which is detrimental to the business. 

1 comment:

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