5 Reasons for Choosing Managed Cloud Hosting - Cloud Computing Services, Cloud Hosting Solutions

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5 Reasons for Choosing Managed Cloud Hosting

5 Reasons for Choosing Managed Cloud Hosting

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The era of cloud computing has arrived. When it comes to cloud computing and using cloud servers, there are a number of computing models that can be used. What model your business uses will depend what your business computing philosophy is centered on, as well as the primary needs dictated by your industry and any relevant government regulations on how your data is managed. There are basically three primary types of cloud hosted program models available: You have the low cost public cloud hosting servers and high cost dedicated servers. In the middle of these two services is what is known as managed cloud hosting.

Managed hosting is the use of cloud servers or shared servers that can be purchased in increments or virtual servers, which can be purchased one at a time. The focus of managed hosting is to create availability and provide a certain level of security. With managed hosting, availability and security are placed ahead of cost considerations as they are rated higher on the priority scale.

Below you will find a list of five benefits of using cloud servers with managed hosting that justify why you should choose managed hosting.

1. The Automation of Fail-over & Resource Balancing – The resource and fail over balancing that is performed between the hardware hosts is handled through an automated process that is facilitated by the integrated VMware that provides the virtualization technology for cloud computing model. This automated system provides the capacity for failover protection, as well as the ability to maintain and update the hardware without the use of a maintenance window.

2. High Availability – The managed cloud is designed and constructed around the high availability model of the private cloud architecture. The required redundancy is integrated into the model through multiple hosts.

3. Hybridize (Physical Servers) – Managed hosting with cloud servers produces the capability for database engines that require physical servers to perform specific functions and still share their dedicated network with a cloud server. This creates a hybrid that is composed of both, physical servers and cloud servers.

4. Network Security – When utilizing the managed hosting, your company has the capability to install secure VLANs, IDS/IPS and firewalls, all of which would be dedicated. This allows for the delivery of an extremely high level of security that is normally characteristic of private cloud solutions.

5. Cost Effective – Surprising to most, managed cloud solutions are just as cost effective as the majority of public cloud models, when implemented on a monthly basis, instead or renting by the hour. This allows your company to gain the security and availability benefits of managed hosting on cloud servers while enjoying its low cost benefits.


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